In this article
Reports page: view, filter, load, create, edit, manage access, and delete/duplicate reports, with details like name, ID, and status.
The Studio Reports page in Forsta Plus displays a list of all the reports that you have created, as well as any other reports that you have been specifically given access to by the report owner. This page shows you all the reports that you have access to in Studio, along with information about each report such as its name, owner, and last modified date. From this page, you can create new reports, edit existing reports, and manage your report access permissions.
Example of the reports list
To create a new report in Studio, click the New Report button in the upper-right corner of the 'Reports List' page, or click New Report in the page toolbar drop-down menu. This will open the 'New Report Wizard', which will guide you through the process of creating and configuring a new report.
"If you have a large number of reports in your 'Reports List' in Studio, you can use the search input field at the top of the page to filter the list and quickly find a specific report. Simply type in the name or ID of the report that you are looking for, and the list will be updated to only show the reports that match your search criteria.
The 'Reports List' in Studio displays a 20 reports per page by default. If there are more reports available in the 'Reports List' in Studio than are currently being displayed on the page, you can click the Load More button at the bottom of the page to load more reports. This will allow you to view and access additional reports beyond the initial 20 displayed on the page.
By default, the 'Reports List' in Studio is sorted with the most recently accessed reports at the top, and the remaining reports are sorted by their creation date. This allows you to easily find and access the reports that you have been working on recently, as well as view the reports that were created first. You can change the sorting order of the list by clicking the column headers (such as 'Name', 'Owner', or 'Last modified') to sort the reports based on that column.
The Reports list presents the details of each report in the following columns:
Name - the report name as assigned by the report creator.
ID - the report ID. This is a number assigned automatically by Studio to the report in order of creation for the installation.
Status - the status of the report. Until the report designer has published the report, it will be displayed as 'Draft'. Once it has been published, the status will change to 'Live'.
Last accessed - when the report was last modified.
Last modified - when the report was last modified.
Modified by - the name of the user who last modified the report.
Created - when the report was created.
Created by - the name of user who created the report.
Hub Id - the ID of the Hub that provides the data used in the report.
Edit - opens the current Draft version of the report in Edit mode.
View - opens the current published version of the report in View mode.
Options Menu
For each report, click the ellipsis to open the options menu.
This menu contains the following commands:
Delete - allows you to delete a report that is no longer required. When you delete a report, it is initially soft-deleted, which means that it can be restored within 30 days of deletion. After 30 days, the report will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
Duplicate - opens the Duplicate Report overlay, allowing you to create a copy of the current report.