In this article
Start designing the canvas by dragging it from the "Visualize" section. Edit it to add value, text, image tiles and a background.
To begin designing the canvas, follow these steps:
Inserting the Canvas Widget
Click the widget library icon in the sidebar to open the widget library.
Scroll down to the "Visualize" section and drag and drop "Canvas" onto the dashboard.
Canvas Dashboard Overview
Click the Open Canvas Editor icon above the newly placed canvas to open the canvas Dashboard:
From here, you can perform the following actions:
1 Add Value Tiles to the canvas - The Add Value icon in the sidebar lets you add values to the canvas in the form of value tiles. To learn more, visit: Adding Values to the Canvas.
2 Add Text Tiles to the Canvas - The Add Text icon in the sidebar lets you add text to the canvas in the form of text tiles. To learn more, visit: Adding Text to the Canvas.
3 Add Images Tiles to the Canvas - The Add Image icon in the sidebar lets you add images to the canvas in the form of image tiles. To learn more, visit: Adding Images to the Canvas.
4 Show grid - The Show grid toggle turns on the grid, this helps with tile alignment.
5 Add a Background to the Canvas - In the right-hand panel, clicking the + icon next to "Background" lets you add a background to the canvas. To learn more, visit: Adding a Background to the Canvas.
6 Save Status - This informs you of the save status of the canvas. Clicking the "Saved" text lets you see when the canvas was most recently saved. Note that changes to the canvas are saved automatically.
7 Undo - Clicking the Undo icon allows you to reverse the most recent change to the canvas (or series of changes if clicked multiple times). Pressing the CTRL + Z keys (Command+Z for MAC users) serves the same functionality.
8 Redo - Clicking the Redo icon allows you to reapply the last change that was undone (or series of changes if clicked multiple times). Pressing the CTRL + Y keys (Command+Y for MAC users) serves the same functionality.
9 Zoom Out - Clicking the Zoom Out icon lets you zoom the canvas out to a maximum value of 10%.
10 Zoom In - Clicking the Zoom In icon lets you zoom the canvas in, there is no maximum zoom in limit.
11 Hide/Show Sidebar - Clicking the Hide sidebar icon will hide the right sidebar. This gives you a cleaner overview of the canvas. Clicking the icon again causes the sidebar to reappear.
12 Done - Clicking the Done button saves the canvas and exits back to the widget dashboard.
Alignment Options
When selecting multiple tiles, a new menu appears in the right side of the cavas. This menu provides extra alignment options, allowing you to align and arrange tiles concurrently.
Alignment Options
1 Align left - All selected tiles are aligned horizontally to the left-most selected tile.
2 Align center - All selected tiles are aligned horizontally to the center-most selected tile.
3 Align right - All selected tiles are aligned horizontally to the right-most selected tile.
4 Align top - All selected tiles are aligned vertically to the top-most selected tile.
5 Align middle - All selected tiles are aligned vertically to the center-most selected tile.
6 Align bottom - All selected tiles are aligned vertically to the bottom-most selected tile.
7 Align to Canvas - Toggle this to enable tiles to be aligned with the canvas.
8 Distribute horizontally - All selected tiles are evenly moved to horizontal positions on the canvas.
9 Distribute vertically - All selected tiles are evenly moved to vertical positions on the canvas.
10 Bring to front - All selected tiles are moved above all other elements on the canvas.
11 Bring forward - All selected tiles are moved one layer up on the canvas.
12 Send backward - All selected tiles are moved one layer down on the canvas.
13 Send to back - All selected tiles are moved behind all other elements on the canvas.
Select All Tiles
To select all tiles in the canvas, right click anywhere on the Canvas background. This reveals the option to “Select all Tiles”.
Tile Microchart
With the Tile Microchart, you can visualize data using various chart types such as bar charts, stacked bar charts, donut charts, and line charts.
To use the Tile Microchart feature:
Drag the Tile Microchart onto the canvas from the editor.
Choose from multiple chart types:
Bar Chart
Stacked Bar Chart
100% Stacked Bar Chart
Donut Chart
Line Chart
Customize each chart using the default values or select your own dataset to fit the context of your report.
Modify chart settings such as tooltips, dot values, and legend visibility from the right-hand panel.