In this article
Add and edit text tiles on the canvas: drag presets, customize label, switch, format, alignment, padding, background, border, and navigation.
To add a text tile to the canvas, follow these steps:
Click the Add Text icon in the sidebar.
From the Add Text panel, drag and drop any of the preset text options onto the canvas.
Tip: Move the text tile around the canvas using your mouse, or use the arrow keys for pixel perfect alignment.
Text Tile Settings
After adding a text tile to the canvas, you have the option to make a variety of edits.
Click the text tile you want to make changes to. This opens the text settings in the right-hand panel.
From the text tile settings panel, you can make the following changes:
1 Text Label - Edit the text label by clicking inside the label field, or by clicking the pencil icon. Press the Enter key or click outside the label field to save your changes.
2 Switch - Add a switch to the text tile by clicking the + icon next to "Switch". A switch allows you to dynamically change text and images on the canvas based on specific values. Note that you must first add a value to the canvas before adding a switch to the text tile. After adding a switch, use the toggle to turn it on or off. You can also edit the switch by clicking the pencil icon, or delete it by clicking the trashcan icon. See Adding a Switch to a Text Tile for more information.
3 Format - The format section lets you customize various font options for the text tile. These include: font size, style (bold, italics, underline, strike-through), font family, and font color. You may also use the following shortcuts:
Mac: Underline: Cmd + U, Italics: Cmd + I, Bold: Cmd + B.
PC: Underline: Ctrl + U, Italics: Ctrl + I, Bold: Ctrl + B.
4 Alignment - Using the Autofit toggle, you can automatically re-size the text tile based on the size of the container. Select left, center, right or justified text alignments.
5 Padding - Padding refers to the space between the text and its border. Add padding to the text tile by clicking the + icon next to "Padding". This reveals additional fields that allow you to select Top, Right, Bottom and Left padding. Click the trashcan icon to remove all padding from the text tile.
6 Background - Add a background color to the text tile by clicking the + icon next to "Background". Select a background color using the color selector interface, or by entering a hex code. Set the opacity using the slider. Click the trashcan icon to remove the background color from the text tile.
7 Border - Add a border to the text tile by clicking the + icon next to "Border". Select a border type using the drop-down and decide on a border thickness, color and opacity. The "Corners" feature lets you alter the shape of the border. If you opt to use a round border, an additional slider appears, allowing you to adjust the roundness. Click the trashcan icon to remove the border from the text tile.
8 Navigation - Transform the text tile into a button that navigates to a report or external URL. This is achieved by clicking the + icon next to "Navigation". Reports can be linked to by clicking "Report" and using the drop-down to select the report and page (note that you need permission to view the report in order to link to it). External URLs can be linked to by clicking "External URL" and entering the URL you want to navigate to in the "External URL" field (the URL will open in a new tab). Click the trashcan icon to remove the navigation functionality from the text tile.
9 Ellipsis Menu - Clicking the ellipsis icon to the right of the text label opens an additional menu. From this menu, you can perform the following actions:
Copy: Copy the text tile, along with any associated formatting by clicking "Copy", or by pressing the CTRL + C keys (Command+C for MAC users). To paste the copied text tile, right-click anywhere on the canvas, and click "Paste here", or press the CTRL + V keys (Command+V for MAC users).
Copy text format: Copy the settings located in the "Format" section by clicking "Copy text format".
Paste text format: This only appears after using the "Copy text format" function; paste the format settings by clicking "Paste text format".
Copy style: Copy the style settings associated with the text tile by clicking "Copy style". The text tile style settings are: "Alignment", "Padding", "Background", and "Border".
Paste style: This only appears after using the "Copy style" function; paste the text tile style settings by clicking "Paste style".
Bring to front: Move the text tile above all other elements on the canvas by clicking "Bring to front".
Bring forward: Move the text tile one layer up on the canvas by clicking "Bring forward".
Send backward: Move the text tile one layer down on the canvas by clicking "Send backward".
Send to back: Move the text tile behind all other elements on the canvas by clicking "Send to back".
Align: Clicking "Align" opens an additional menu. From here, you can align the text tile around the canvas using the same options offered above in "Alignment".
Delete: Completely delete the text tile from the canvas by clicking "Delete". To restore the deleted text tile, click the Undo button in the top ribbon.